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Press > “Business Petersburg”

In Moscow everything appeared a lot sooner, thanks to people who brought this attraction from The West by the end of the 1990s. . This beginning gradually spread and Moscow now has several united teams, who chose their style and began to actively work and develop.

They fastest growth started only recently. Fire teams grow like mushrooms after rain, but, unfortunately, just as in all spheres of show business, they generally copy their predecessors.

As for us, we have a special kind of art, a sort of eclectic. By combing fire with clowning, fireworks with theatre, we turn our spectators into children and sometimes even make them into actors themselves. Our brainchild, “The Spark Show,” is like art therapy for our spectators. There’s this feeling that during our performances we give them something that’s missing, and at the climax, a wave of incredible happiness covers everyone. And then they go to sleep and dream about the performance. Fire for us is a means of expression. It is our friend and partmer. With its help we warm harts and uncover happiness. What we do has long since stopped being merely entertainment, or even work – it’s out way of life, a constant carnival, crazy and fun. “The Fire People” are already like a family, a gang of wild people who come together to create festivals, then live those festivals.

Yes, we make money on our performances, just like any artists, but at the same time, we’ve always strived for something higher.

11 June 2006















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